This is the personal blog of Adam J. Schirling, the founder and editor-in-chief of Drunken Absurdity, a revolutionary ezine. For the best in alternative literature, poetry, art, movies and more go to This blog is strictly for my personal rants, some dirty pics, and the occasional cool story or sweet tunes.

the rebellion grows......

>> Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Drunken Absurdity site continues to spread like a wildfire, attracting submissions the world over. Check us out this weekend to read work from British writer/poet Kev Blundell, and German poet Claudia Schönfeld, as well as our interview with underground gay porn star Blaine Maxwell.


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About Me

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New England, United States
Freelance writer and poet. Founder and Editor in Chief of Drunken Absurdity. President of Drunken Absurdity LLC

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All media displayed on this site is the property of the originators, and I hold ownership only over my own media and those of Drunken Absurdity LLC

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